Merchant Cash Advance

Merchant Cash Advance

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Helping You to Discover All of the Funding Tools at Your Fingertips

How you ever found yourself in this position: you need money to help support your business, but a bank loan isn’t an option either because of a poor business credit profile or your just not having the time to deal with all of the bureaucratic red tape inherent with such a lending option? Trust us when we say that you’re not alone; after all, what business couldn’t benefit from a quick infusion of cash. Our team here at Davis Commercial Finance can make this happen for you.

Details of Our Merchant Cash Advance Program

If your company has a merchant account, you could potentially qualify to take out an advance on that account of up to $200,000 for each of your business locations. This is all you need to do:

  • Contact a member of our team expressing your interest
  • Sit down with us and work the through the application process
  • Spend your advance in any way that you see fit
  • Keep offering your customers the ability to pay for their purchases with credit cards

Wait a minute: nothing there mentions the repayment of your advance. That’s because you don’t have to worry about it. As you continue to take credit card payments, a portion of that money goes back towards paying off your balance.

You could be sitting right on top of a tremendous financing tool and not even know it. It’s through your association with us here at Davis Commercial Finance that you’ll learn about a Merchant Cash Advance and all of the other lending tools that you may not have known were at your disposal. To find out more about all that we can offer you, call and speak with one of our commercial finance experts today.

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